Decoding microbial diversity
The 16S rRNA gene, present in all bacteria, contains a mix of conserved and variable regions. Using commercially available primer kits, specific variable regions can be amplified and sequenced. These sequences are then processed with advanced bioinformatics algorithms, including database comparisons. The outcome is a detailed table showcasing relative abundances across various taxonomic levels, offering valuable insights into bacterial communities.
16S amplicon analysis
The Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region, situated between the small and large subunit rRNA genes on the chromosome, is the most commonly sequenced DNA region for fungal strain identification. Recognized as the universal fungal barcode, the ITS region is present in all fungi and features both conserved and variable segments. Using 1928 Diagnostics' advanced data analysis, these segments can be accurately identified and compared to a comprehensive database, enabling precise fungal classification and research insights.
ITS amplicon analysis
Analysis includes:
Quality control including sample quality
Taxonomic classification
Abundance estimation
Alpha diversity